• Wowsa….

    Large numbers of humpback whales have returned to NYC for the first time in a century E. Fudd

  • Kudos, Levi’s….

    We remain committed to ending climate change. Our future depends on it. E. Fudd

  • If you can’t beat them (for now, anyway) – EAT them!

    On the menu: Taking a bite out of invasive species E. Fudd

  • National Monuments – time to Act….!

    The status of 27 U.S. national monuments is being reconsidered. Leading nature photographers have created a free ebook to show you the beauty at risk. See this spectacular land. Then raise your voice to save it. Land Almost LostA Call to Save Our National Monuments E. Fudd

  • woo hoo!

    From the Seattle Times: Neighbor saves 80-acre Winterbrook Farm near Issaquah from redevelopment “….Winterbrook Farm and its 80 acres of pastures, wetlands and wildlife habitat near Issaquah will be purchased by a couple who own adjacent land and plan to preserve it as open space. The Issaquah School Board approved the sale Friday afternoon in […]

  • Right ON.

    Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Protected as an Endangered Species E. Fudd

  • nice!

    from last summer, just came across this now… BREAKING: Mayor says city will keep Myers Way Parcels, instead of selling; Councilmember Herbold ‘pleased’ E. Fudd

  • Simple steps, regularly taken….

    …. can add up! From Digg: How You (Yes You, By Yourself) Can Start Mitigating Climate Change E. Fudd

  • Right. ON.

    From the LA Times: Bill in Congress aims to take shark fins off the menu throughout the United States E. Fudd

  • F U, Wentz!

    there is a cold place in hell for people like you, Wentz! ‘Big pool of blood’: Redmond man shoots cougar in research cage E. Fudd