Go Snow Leopard Trust!

great backgrounder on a local Seattle green success story…

From The Seattle Globalist:
Local love for the world’s cutest (and most endangered) cats


E. Fudd

The last wolves?

Jane Goodall, as usual, speaks the truth. But are we LISTENING?

From The Washington Post:

The last wolves?


E. Fudd

WTF, Canada?

I’ve said it before, and i’ll keep saying it until I’m blue in the face – F(!) THE CANADIAN EXTRACTION INDUSTRY!!!!!

Calgary-based mining company suing Costa Rica for more than $1 billion

E. Fudd

Elwha: A River Reborn

Caught this exhibit at The Burke today – amazing stuff and I really hope the effects are far-reaching, beyond just the river and its own ecosystem. At the end of the exhibit, it says there are over 80,000 dams in the USA and only 750 are being considered for removal. Surely that has to CHANGE!

Elwha: A River Reborn

Elwha exhibit at Burke explores reborn river

elwha exhibit

E. Fudd

Stand up and fight!

Kudos to Sea Shepherd, keep it up! Hitting them in the pocketbook is probably the only way to stop this, obviously treaties and public shame do not work…!

On TV: Civil disobedience on steroids – Stopping Japan’s whaling fleet

E. Fudd

Simply amazing….

Sure wish I’d been on that boat!

From the Seattle P-I:
Photos: An ‘epic’ humpback encounter in the NW


E. Fudd

Waxwings in da house!

I am not sure i’ve seen these guys in the wild before the other day, when one (unfortunately) hit our front window. Thankfully he just hung out in the tree out front until he was ok, then a bit later, three of them were up high in the neighbor’s tree. I think these were Cedar Waxwings, but you be the judge.

Here’s more info on Waxwings – they kind of look like a miniature Cardinal to me.

Cedar Waxwing
Bohemian Waxwing
Bay Area Cedar Waxwings




E. Fudd

Very cool….

Rebuilding the salmon population in Czech Republic

(more pics at link above)

czech salmon

E. Fudd

Right. On.

Supreme Court Preserves Victory Over Oil/Gas Development

E. Fudd

Get the Facts on Keystone.

TransCanada lies....

E. Fudd