• The future of lawn care in the USA…

    E. Fudd

  • Dolphin, turtle deaths a sign of sick Gulf

    What did you think, BP – that even if you (finally) started paying off the claimants it was going to magically solve the problem? No, your reputation will be toast for many years to come, and it’s well, well deserved!!!!! From Yahoo/AP: Dolphin, turtle deaths a sign of sick Gulf E. Fudd

  • Terrible!

    Man accused of smuggling more than 10 percent of an entire species – original article on Popular Science E. Fudd

  • Great news on CITES (for once!)

    Both Manta Rays and Sharks were *finally* protected this time around – thanks to all the groups who worked hard and advocated on this! From Care2: Victory for Sharks! International Trade in Shark Fins Banned Success! Manta Rays Win CITES Protection E. Fudd

  • Mining Companies $%$)(&^!!!!!

    It would be nice for ONCE to hear about a mining company that acted responsibly, minimized its pollution (and captured it for responsible destruction later) and didn’t go out of its way to cause social unrest and antagonize EVERYONE around it!!! this is a horrible story – but nothing new for the mining industry, that’s […]

  • Sounds about right….!

  • Sounds about right….

    E. Fudd

  • LCV Congressional Scorecard 2012 is out!

    How does YOUR Rep/Senator stack up? And how can you change that positively if they don’t? LCV Congressional Environment Scorecard 2012 E. Fudd

  • Protect Porbeagle Sharks!

    Yet another example of man saying one thing, and doing another. Hopefully we can pull back before we kill yet another species off forever…. 🙁 From Care2: Poor Porbeagle Sharks in Desperate Need of Your Attention Whenever someone says the word “shark,” the great white from Jaws usually swims to mind. Unfortunately, many shark species, […]

  • How Republicans increasingly view science…

    Especially when it means threatening their energy company pocket-liners! E. Fudd