Wildfires in Indonesia have ravaged 800,000 acres. Palm oil farmers are mostly to blame. look at the ingredients of what you buy and STOP buying palm oil! e. fudd
LONG OVERDUE. British Columbia to stop logging in Skagit headwaters e. fudd
Environmentalists create nonprofit Texas Coastal Exchange
how very, very cool! New Plan Would Return California Condors To Northwest Skies “The reintroduction sites are considered to be prime condor habitat within redwood forests and mountain ranges,” she said. “And there’s a good chance these birds will be seen flying over Oregon skies once again. They are impressive birds. If you have never […]
watch them at our feeders all the time, even in winter..! The Hummingbird as Warrior: Evolution of a Fierce and Furious Beak E. Fudd
Cleaning New York’s filthy harbor with one billion oysters The Billion Oyster Project E. Fudd
Sadly still just as relevant as ever, if not more…!? E. Fudd
we saw these birds, many, many years ago – not long after that movie came out (that was how we knew) – we hiked to the top of Telegraph Hill from the back side, and there they were, hanging out in a big conifer – weird to see parrots in a tree like that. Anyway, […]
Reintroduce the North Cascades grizzly bear E. Fudd
Please sign this petition to help protect Seattle’s Trees! Petition by Treepac Board Member Richard Ellison, MS Botany (click link to sign) The City of Seattle wants to encourage single family homeowners to build additional ADU’s (accessary dwelling units, sometimes called mother-in-law units), both attached and unattached. Currently, you can build one or the other, […]