and none deserve it more! To their (tiny) credit, they at least published the letter….. E. Fudd From the WSJ: Check With Climate Scientists for Views on Climate
This movie is the WORST kind of Hollywood BS! sign the petition to BOYCOTT this stupid movie here: From Care2: Why We Will Boycott “The Grey” Liam Neeson’s latest movie, The Grey, arrives in theatres everywhere today. No, this isn’t a film preview, review, or other free advertising for the flick. In fact, our goal […]
From Care2: Bulgaria Becomes the Second European Country To Ban Fracking A few weeks ago the Bulgarian parliament voted to ban Chevron from using hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking, to drill for natural gas in the country’s northeast. The parliament voted to amend the exploration license, awarded to Chevron in June 2010, for five […]
E. Fudd
Obama (begins) doing the right thing on this issue. But make no mistake – like cancer, this project is only in remission at the moment, not dead. Vigilance is the price of protection, to be sure. From the Winnipeg Free Press: U.S. rejects Keystone XL in current form, but TransCanada can resubmit From The Nation: […]
and may I say, A.F.T.!!!! From Ars Technica: Science education group decides it’s time to tackle climate change to me, the most telling quote is thus (emphasis mine): “……Just as the controversy over evolution takes place within the public and not among scientists, Scott said, “There’s not a debate going on within the science community […]
E. Fudd
No New Mining Near Grand Canyon For 20 Years! From Care2… And I might add, AFT! E. Fudd
E. Fudd
E. Fudd