From Bird and Moon:

E. Fudd
tags: extinction, forest, values, wildlife
posted in Uncategorized by E. Fudd | Comments Off on Sad….
Great news, hoping it gets made permanent over time…!
E. Fudd
From The SF Chronicle:
65 state parks in California will stay open
tags: California, conservation, government, State Parks, values
posted in Uncategorized by E. Fudd | Comments Off on CA parks earn a reprieve – hooray!
the battles continue – why is it so hard to protect our natural heritage?
From Outside Magazine:
“Burt’s Bees cofounder Roxanne Quimby wants to hand the government a new national park in northern Maine—election-year politics and residents’ NIMBYism be damned. Brian Kevin investigates the boldest conservation plan in decades…”
The Fight to Create America’s Newest National Park
E. Fudd
tags: conservation, corporate, government, Maine, northeast, science, values
posted in Uncategorized by E. Fudd | Comments Off on The Fight to Create America’s Newest National Park
too cool…. E. Fudd
Puffin Cam, courtesy of Audubon….there are many other cool live cams here….
tags: birds, conservation, habitat, ocean, science, values
posted in Uncategorized by E. Fudd | Comments Off on Puffin Cam!
Perhaps a tad cynical, but pretty much right on the money….

E. Fudd
tags: climate change, food, green, pollution, propaganda, purpose, values
posted in Uncategorized by E. Fudd | Comments Off on Code Green nails it again!
E. Fudd……

tags: food, green, purpose, science, values
posted in Uncategorized by E. Fudd | Comments Off on What we could do, if we decide to give a crap….!
but I wouldn’t be surprised……..E. Fudd

tags: Congressional Sellouts, energy, pollution, science, values
posted in Uncategorized by E. Fudd | Comments Off on Hopefully not coming true…..
interesting infographic – E. Fudd

tags: climate change, conservation, green, purpose
posted in Uncategorized by E. Fudd | Comments Off on What do people think about Earth Day?
BP takes a page out of Mr. Burns’ business model:

E. Fudd
tags: Big Oil, energy, fish, government, habitat, ocean, pollution, science, values
posted in Uncategorized by E. Fudd | Comments Off on BP’s business model: Montgomery Burns.