Do the right thing to back up all that sterling rhetoric and STOP the Keystone XL pipeline! For once, stand up to Big Oil! You can’t pass the buck onto Congress for this one…. NYT link here. Bill McKibben’s take here. E. Fudd
No Iceland hunt this year – woo hoo! link here. E. Fudd
From the Alliance for Natural Health: Three major plastic bag manufacturers are suing eco-friendly ChicoBag simply for citing scientific facts and statistics. Strike back with our new Action Alert! Rest of the article here. Action Alert for WA here. Action Alert for OR here. Action Alerts for the other states at the bottom of the […]
woo hoo! link here. E. Fudd
great article – hopefully the 24-7 ‘benevolent police state’ that is ALSO Singapore will start to reel back a bit in the meantime? Still, lessons to be learned…. link here. E. Fudd
Article here. E. Fudd
Time to recall that %*$&%($#*%&!!! governor! Adopt the OREGON plan, you stupid potatoheads! WTF!!!! link here. E. Fudd
Congressman Norm Dicks needs our help! link here. E. Fudd
E. Fudd