Stop the Pebble Mine!

Robert Redford says it much better than I…

link here.

E. Fudd

Nature’s Champion Carbon Eaters….

NWF has a great article on tree planting suggestions for carbon capture….

link here.

E. Fudd

Net zero water?

Interesting concept – I hope this works and thanks to the Seattle School District (and others mentioned in the story, including the US Army) for being open-minded and experimental.

link here.

E. Fudd

Right whale saved!

Right on.

link here.

E. Fudd

Yay Crete!

That’s ONE stupid golf course not getting built! In the words of Homer J. Simpson – Woo hoo!

link here.

E. Fudd

10 reasons we need wolves.

As per usual, MoJo tells it like it IS. Tester, I’m donating to your next opponent, douchebag! Try using SCIENCE instead of your moneyed interests! Remember one piece of advice – D’s who act like R’s usually get replaced by them. Talk to your old friend Blanche Lincoln about that one.

E. Fudd

One person *can* make a difference…

And sometimes, a huge difference. Not everyone is ready to literally risk their life for the environment, but Azzam Alwash should serve as an inspiration to us all. Support Nature Iraq and his efforts!

link here.

E. Fudd


Welcome to BC, population – You.

E. Fudd

Meet The Beetle!

A filmmaker in Portland, OR is doing a project on one of the rarest beetles (let alone insects) in the world – the Salt Creek Tiger Beetle, which ONLY appears to live outside of/nearby to Lincoln, Nebraska. While he has now met his financial goal, it’s probable you can still help – at minimum, check it out, this is a VERY cool project.

link here

E. Fudd

Senator Tester continues to sell out wolves – a&*A$&$%!!!

It would seem even some D’s are intent on running the environment into the ground. Can’t we use SCIENCE and SANITY to decide these issues anymore? Tester, I’m donating to your next opponent!!!!

link here
