• New Bird Species Discovered in Hawaii

    From Care2 – very cool! New Bird Species Discovered in Hawaii For the first time since 1974, ornithologists have discovered a new bird species in the United States. The small Hawaiian seabird, thought to be an undersized Boyd’s shearwater, proved to have enough unique genetic traits to separate it from the other species. Researchers and […]

  • Keep the Lake Great!

    Environmental Lawsuit surrounding the expansion of mineral extraction from The Great Salt Lake in Utah…. link here. and Ted Williams’ great article on the situation here. E. Fudd

  • Eagle Cam!

    the Decorah Eagles are hatching….! link here. E. Fudd

  • Crow Cam!

    very cool! Link here. E. Fudd

  • Eaglecam!

    Welcome to BC, population – You. E. Fudd