Fishermen Defend Increased Trinity River Flows to Protect Salmon E. Fudd
Republicans’ war on the environment: Time to counterattack Ayyyymen! E. Fudd.
It’s patently obvious by now that the efforts made in the 70s and 80s to ban DDT and other pesticides (besides ESA listings) are paying off big time in eagle recoveries. Sadly we are doing the exact OPPOSITE with wolves and proving we do NOT learn from history when we politicize the environment! From The […]
Say it LOUD, sistah Jen! Giving Gas a Pass E. Fudd
From The Sideshow: Extremely rare jaguar spotted near Arizona mountains E. Fudd
The battle continues…. Council and allies challenge Nestle water takings in Ontario Latest on Nestle Legal Battle to Keep Drought Time Water Pumping Restrictions in Place E. Fudd
The last thing I want to see is some d*** drone buzzing around my wilderness hike or campsite? Time for a bevy of bottle rockets at the ready, just in case… 🙂 A Drone’s-Eye View of Nature E. Fudd
Let’s hope she makes the right ones…! from The Seattle Times… Stewardship is under pressure as Jewell takes over Interior E. Fudd
Not sure it’s quite as easy as he pitches here, but it’s definitely worth looking into…. From BusinessWeek: With Clean-Energy Default Rules, It’s Easy Being Green Last month, President Obama proposed a federal investment of $2 billion during the next decade for research on alternative sources of fuel for cars, trucks, and buses. The move […]
What did you think, BP – that even if you (finally) started paying off the claimants it was going to magically solve the problem? No, your reputation will be toast for many years to come, and it’s well, well deserved!!!!! From Yahoo/AP: Dolphin, turtle deaths a sign of sick Gulf E. Fudd