Is Seafood Sustainable? Part I: Demand for Eco-Friendly Seafood Grows Part II: The Overfishing Crisis Part III: How to Save the Ocean E. Fudd
Progress is being made, but will it be in time? Link here. E. Fudd
Glad they are taking this seriously…. Link here. E. Fudd
Shark Finning Outlawed In Chilean Waters Link here. E. Fudd
Woo hoo! Success! Commercial Shark Fishing Banned in the Bahamas Link here. E. Fudd
Link here. E. Fudd
For the Pacific NW, the ‘listening stop’ is in Portland, OR on July 1. Link here. E. Fudd
Do we have to put them all into cans or on a sushi plate before we DO something!!!!? link here. E. Fudd
Shark Fin Ban Passes In California State Assembly link here. E. Fudd
Right on. link here. E. Fudd