and we only have OURSELVES to blame!!!!>!>! Last male northern white rhino is put down E. Fudd
Got a Pest Problem? Call the Quack Squad from Great Big Story on Vimeo. E. Fudd
From Care2: Victory! France Becomes First Country in Europe to Ban Lion Trophies Animal advocates are celebrating another huge victory for wildlife with an announcement that France will no longer allow hunters to bring their lion trophies home with them. The decision follows the tragic death of Cecil the lion, which stirred international outrage, and […]
Works for me! From National Geographic: Africa-wide “Great Green Wall” to Halt Sahara’s Spread? China built its famous Great Wall to keep out marauders. Now, millennia later, a “Great Green Wall” may rise in Africa to deter another, equally relentless invader: sand. The proposed wall of trees would stretch from Senegal to Djibouti as part […]
In this case, rhinos, who need all the help they can get these days! Rhino Drones: Google Backs Poacher Surveillance Drones Watch Out for Rhino Poachers in Kenya Rhino Poaching to be Stopped by Surveillance From the Sky E. Fudd